A Table for Eight

A Table for Eight

Friday, October 26, 2012


Last nite at dinner Dawit was looking at pictures of my hubby who was is Haiti this week.  I was showing him the orphanage where Mike is staying and explaining to him what that was and how he used to live in a place like that in Ethiopia.  He right away wanted to make room in our house for these children because that is what we do.  Erik, his big bro patted him on the back in total pride of his younger brother.  It was a great moment.  We saw his heart and that was pretty special.

Mike in Haiti.

When our first set of kiddos were young we wandered into many different parenting classes and books, we loved the concept of considering the preciousness of others.  Thinking  of others who come before us, behind us, and those who are walking along side of us. Dawit was definetely thinking of others and for that I am thankful. 

We need to show and tell our children about the needs in our community and our world.  How others do not have shoes, food, shelter, parents.  As  I continued to think on that I was reminded that we also need to continue to teach that in our everyday life.  To consider the preciousness of the people who are in line with us at the fair.  Consider the preciousness of others who sit in front of us at a show or in an airplane.  Teach our children to think of others and how their actions can effect others and that we can be a blessing all the time.  Not just on special occasions or moments.    This is such a tall order but it is possible to teach them that people that sit at the table after us at a restaurant are special too so we should leave the place in good condition.  Not to mention for the staff that work there.

We can teach our kiddos to open doors for others or give up our chair for someone who looks older or who needs it.  No matter where we are we should be a blessing to others.  That might be in Haiti or in the grocery store but it should be a goal for ourselves and for teaching to our kiddos.  Who would not want to be married to a man who was taught to be a blessing!! 

It starts small but practical.  At preschool drop off we make sure that the ladies go in first.  The boys think that is pretty cool cause the girls are always surprised.  Instead of the first person who was there goes first, it is simply the boys letting the girls go first in the door because that is kind, thoughtful, and sacrificial. Well it is sacrificial because for a four year old boy being first is really important.

Drying up the sink counter after they brush their teeth so the next person has a nice clean sink.  Taking their plate to the sink after a meal.  Being quiet in the morning because others are still sleeping.   Cheering for each other when they are successful.  There a so many ways we can encourage our children to be thoughtful of others.  To serve, love, and consider the preciousness of others.  By the way, we are not super successful in many of these areas yet but hey, we are all a work in progress!!!

My works in progress looking at the funny lady behind the camera who is also in progress!

Monday, October 15, 2012

Hubby Heading to Haiti

Tent City

So excited for my Hubby.  He is heading to Haiti next week and I am praying for an incredible week of ministry.

He is going to be working with orphans and helping to build a school in a tent city similar to the one pictured above.

Hoping he will have the chance to use my blog to let us know how it going and to share what he is seeing and learning.

In the last few weeks I have been reading many blogs and material about Haiti.  It is the poorest country on the western hemisphere and it is shocking to know that an hour and half off the beautiful beaches of Florida (by plane) are many tent cities of 20,000 people living underneath tarps with raw sewage running through the walk ways.  It shocks me, it saddens me, but it also inspires me.  How could raw sewage, devastating earthquakes, and a country with a 47% illiteracy rate inspire me?

It inspires me to be thankful, resourceful, live more simply, love more freely,  give and serve without questioning, and to remember that my worst day is a dream to most in this world.

Love ya Hubby, and praying for a week full of beautiful God sightings!

Click the side button on my blog from Help One Now and read about a bunch of amazing bloggers who were in Haiti last week.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

A little mud never hurt anyone.

Look what I came home to...

 A hand print that was not saved.

Bathroom door.  At least they are headed in the right direction.

This is mud!

A good washing.

Much  fun was was had.