A Table for Eight

A Table for Eight

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

No more whining for me!

Yesterday was one of those days.  The pump under the sink rusted out so we had water through out the kitchen.  Pulled out the oven, which was quite the site!  Dust bunnies would have run!  The water faucet also decided it was in its last days so poor Mike had to run to Lowe's to get us a new one and then the toilet was plugged by someone(possibly a three year old) which led to a completely flooded bathroom that ran through the entry way and down the hall.

Yep, just one of those days!!  Soon after the boys came home I realized I had nothing to complain about and I had every thing to be joyful about.  I do not think you can go to a third world country and not be changed and moved to be more content and thankful.  I still have those moments but complaining and whining about what I have just cannot coexist.  How can I complain about my toilet over flowing every once and awhile.  I have a toilet.  How can I complain about my Culligan water pump that makes my already drinkable water better.  I have water only steps away and it is not filled with deadly parasites.  How can I complain about my church when I have freedom to go and worship my God when I want.  You get my point.

Forget New Years resolutions.  How about a life realization.  I have a choice.  Be thankful and grateful and be joyful.  I have nothing to whine about!  If you catch me whining you have my permission to gently swat me into being thankful for all that I have.

Here are the most incredible, funny, and joyful things I am most grateful for!

Forever Thankful.

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